AW 55-50SN Technical Manual

If there is one technical - repair manual that is searched for, and oddly enough not easily located, is the one for the Aisin Warner AW55-50SN 5 Speed Automatic transmission. There is good reason for this; the truth of the matter is, as of the date of this post, there is not one. Well, it should be said not a comprehensive one yet.

We carry a "binder" technical manual. What is a binder tech manual you ask? Well it is a manual that is in a binder with loose leaf pages inside clear plastic protectors. This is a first edition, if you will, of the technical manual. There is basic information of the unit, pictures, exploded views and illustrations.

When our customers find out that there is even a binder for this unit they express great relief and happiness that there is something out there written on the unit and they purchase it right away. There is no definite date as of yet when a "regular" technical - repair manual will be available. As soon as it becomes available it will be posted on this blog.

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